Frohe Weihnachten (Joyeux Noël)!!

Merry Christmas to everybody. Consider this as my Christmas card to you.

I’m spending this merry holiday in Stuttgart, Germany with my cousin and his new bride (they’re so cute!).

Here is the two of us, drinking some German mulled wine (called Glühwein) with delicious spices and orange flavours.


Being the traditional worshippers that we are, we decided to have an authentic Christmas, making many delicious Chinese goodies that I have missed for a very, very long time. For dinner we had steamed and pan-fried buns with eggplant, capsicum and minced pork inside. Also made some great Chinese salads with vermicelli and sesame sauce.

Entertainment of the night: the Chinese version of Mafia or Loup Garou (for my French friends). Very animated conversation.  and I absolutely cannot participate because shamefully I cannot read any of the cards. But still full of laughs.

And last night…celebrate Christmas eve in style. Chinese style.

Went to have hot pot in a little corner of the city center with a huge Chinese restaurant (seriously, we are EVERYWHERE). Had 3 beautiful hot pots because the weather was soooo soooo soooo cold outside.

Then sang karaoke for the next 5 hours. Hehe Merry Christmas indeed.

Me, with a huge pint of German beer. It’s bigger than it looks in the photo. And try as I might, could not finish the whole thing. They really know how to drink beer in this country!


My cousin & me! Hehe, do we look alike?

To everybody with whom I’m not spending Christmas, I miss you incredibly. All my friends and family in France, USA, China and New Zealand. I can’t wait to see you again. I hope you had a good Christmas and a relaxing day filling up on delicious foods and holiday spirit.

Sending you all my love, and my big hugs and kisses from Germany!