Travel Advice

It’s about the People

Travelling involves people. Even if you’re on a solo backpacking trip in the Andes mountains, at some point you have to ask someone to take a photo of you because your tripod won’t upright on broken rock and uneven tree roots (clearly I’ve never been to the Andes).

And likewise, if you’re in a group of 20 tourists, you’re not going to have a good trip unless you get along with people and they’re cool.

So people really made the travel experience key. And one way I have consistently made good (if not AWESOME) friends is through CouchSurfing.

Don’t host and be hosted if you feel uncomfortable with that. Fair enough. Sometimes I am nervous when I invite strangers into my home to sleep, shower and share with me for 4-5 days. But the meets up in safe and public areas where you can see a foreign city and learn a new language are invaluable. Check out the site and  take advantage of a cool project. Note: please don’t take advantage of kind spirits.

Here’s my profile if you’re interested:

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